International Science Day Celebration

 Celebrated every 10 November, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the important role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. It also underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives.This time, the world is struggling with the global Covid-19 Pandemic, the focus of  the world science day is on " Science  for and with society "

As part of this, our college  celebrated the world science day through  Google  meet digital platform. The program  was inaugurated by Yedhuchandran, Research Assistant and Dr Sajan, Asst professor NSS Training College, Ottapalam had taken a class on creating a notion on augmented  reality  for student teachers.

Various programs were conducted  through online and offline mode. Digital poster creation, e content preparation , Junior science  expo were  done  in an offline mode before the program. 

Quiz, scientist inside were done  in  online mode  in the afternoon session. Winners of all  the  competitions were announced at the end of the program.Each and everyone of our college  made this day awesome and unforgettable 


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